Spent the whole morning playing Exteel(1-2am) and watched anime(2-6am). Then off to bed. Slept really good although it was 6+ in the morning. But regarding with the title, its killing me.
For a dream to last 3hours, there are three scenarios. Only the third scenario was quite a fun one. The first was romantic but the second was devastating. Only the first and second linked with each other but not the third.
To see a girl cry no matter whether in dreams,imagination or reality, they will leave an impact regardless of how big and how small they are. Tsk, I lost myself in this haze of confusion. The only question I am seeking for, why must she be involved in that stupid dream. Tsk. Shucks :/
Currently, the rain suits my mood now as it starts pouring down now. I cant get rid of that scene from the dream == . fuck it.
Its been a long time since I last saw you, but that dream broke that record.
Today was a tiring day. First of all, Charina and Kehui couldn't make it but its okay~ Planned to meet Weikai at 12pm. But met up with him at 12.32pm == LOL. 76-ed to amk~
Went to find Weikai's type. Didn't know that he is a choosy type of person. LOL, he took a short time to look at the shop and walk off. Wow, better than i expected. But still, he don't want to lend me $10 just to buy a top that I like ): . In the end, I bought other kind of top.
Aiyo, WEIKAI! T.T I want to smack you. ROAR.
Ohyeah, Im still sick ~